Monday, April 27, 2015

Teaching Digital Safety

Are you looking for resources to help you train your child to be safe in the virtual online realm? The Youth Privacy Commission of Canada has developed a number of resources you can use, including short videos, often made by students for students.

"Once you put your personal information out there, you can’t take it back. Watch as our video shows that it’s almost impossible to take back anything that you put online – much like getting the toothpaste back into the tube. Want to know more about protecting your online rep? Check out our website for more tips."

Here's a graphic novel that is aimed at early teens to help to illustrate the importance of being careful with what you post:  Social Smarts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Missionary Insight - Resources for you to use from Compassion Canada

Step Into My Shoes

Compassion has just released a 7 day video/devotional where participants ‘step into the shoes’ of a Ugandan pastor’s family and experience daily life with them to discover how the other side of the world lives...

Check out their site to see the resources available for you.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Easter Video

A Very Special Easter

Click the above title to watch a short (less than 4 minutes) video of kids answers to questions about Easter.  A great writing prompt or to inspire oral presentations - even just to initiate some good discussions!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Self Regulation

Are you looking for some ideas to help your child to become better at self-regulating (emotions, attention, activity)?  Find some ideas HERE that you can try and see if they help you child to become more successful.

Make Room for Play

In January 2015, ParticipACTION launched the Make Room for Play campaign to encourage families to reclaim active play time back from screen time. The campaign includes shareable videos, parent resources and communication tools to help increase physical activity and decrease screen time in children and youth. Click HERE to visit the website.