Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Portfolios are due February 19

It is that time again!  I know many of you are entering the decision time of what you will be including in your portfolios this term and I wanted to help you out with some ideas:

Bible: samples/explanations of what concepts your child has learned, your child's involvement in prayer/church/youth/devotions, and how your child views or engages in serving others

LA:  oral speaking sample (recorded, on Raz Kids, video), description of what your child likes to read for pleasure (or a reading list), comprehension and extension samples (evidence that your child can read 'between the lines' or go beyond what the text stated), and a variety of writing samples (creative, informative, personal, visual)

Math: concepts covered, sample workpages/worksheets

Science: units/concepts covered, samples of work/project, descriptions of any experiments

Social Studies:  units/concepts covered, samples of work/project

I took this photo while visiting families earlier this year. :)
PE and DPA: list of physical activities your child engages in and how often and for how long

Fine Arts: photos/recordings of images or performances, feedback or reports form instructors, descriptions of activities

Health: description of what topics your child has learned about in regards to healthy living, healthy relationships, safety, making goals, personal responsibilities and thinking of own future (wants/needs, careers, personal strengths/weaknesses...)

Foreign Language (for grade 5 and up): what program is being used, progress in program or lessons, if your child is growing in their language knowledge

MANY OF YOU HAVE INCLUDED THIS INFORMATION IN YOUR WEEKLY REPORTS!  WOW!!  For you, I will only need to see samples for LA, Math, Science and Socials.  If I need to clarify something for one of the other course then I will email you directly.  If you haven't been covering this information in your weekly reports, or feel that you have more information that would provide a more accurate assessment, then please include it in the portfolio you send.

Portfolios can be sent to be digitally, posted online with an invite to me to view it, faxed or mailed.  If you would like to fax or mail it to me, please email me directly for the number or address.  Thanks everyone!!

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